
Well on Thursday I went to go pick up all my prints from Self Clothing in SF. Not going to lie… it made me feel kind of sad taking it all down knowing my exhibition was over. I am still so honoured to have been featured this month. Scott was a great host and I hope he continues on doing what he does for all these great local artists!

I’m going through concepts in my head for an entry in DeviantART’s PinkiTUDE contest. I’ve always wanted to make a photographic piece for a cause and I think this would be a good drive to do so.

It’s now 2am… Perhaps I should get some sleep 😉

Smooshy (Muppet) is a 3lb Himalayan cat. She’s an old woman. Half the time walks around the house lost and will claim a whole dog pillow for herself. She loves to be held like a baby. She drools. Can anyone guess why I call her Smooshy?

Ben is a 15lb lump of love. You can pick him up by his back feet and dangle him there and he will be perfectly content. His favorite toy is a huge mop head. He eats up belly rubs for breakfast.


Also, the security systems at the local antique shops in Jackson, CA are full proof and not to be fuddled with.

And last.. but not least….. Lacey doing her world famous Tori Amos impersonation. Lost… alone… and artistic.. in a box.

Just found this new Everlast song on youtube and the video… as well as the song really touched me. I’m not a very political person in the least bit.  What I love about the words/lyrics is that there doesn’t seem to be any political bashing.. it’s just expressing how sad and lonely it is for a soldier on either side. This line in particular really stuck out to me.

cause I won’t know the man that kills me
and I don’t know these man that I kill

We all wind up on the same side
cause not one of us doing God’s will

There are so many political songs out right now regarding the ongoing war in Iraq.. but I find this one to be the most touching out there.  I urge you to listen and watch closely.

‘My daughter deserved to die for falling in love’

Two weeks ago, The Observer revealed how 17-year-old student Rand Abdel-Qader was beaten to death by her father after becoming infatuated with a British soldier in Basra. In this remarkable interview, Abdel-Qader Ali explains why he is unrepentant – and how police backed his actions. Afif Sarhan in Basra and Caroline Davies report

About this article

This article appeared in the Observer on Sunday May 11 2008 on p8 of the News section. It was last updated at 18:26 on May 12 2008.

For Abdel-Qader Ali there is only one regret: that he did not kill his daughter at birth. ‘If I had realised then what she would become, I would have killed her the instant her mother delivered her,’ he said with no trace of remorse.

Two weeks after The Observer revealed the shocking story of Rand Abdel-Qader, 17, murdered because of her infatuation with a British soldier in Basra, southern Iraq, her father is defiant. Sitting in the front garden of his well-kept home in the city’s Al-Fursi district, he remains a free man, despite having stamped on, suffocated and then stabbed his student daughter to death.

Abdel-Qader, 46, a government employee, was initially arrested but released after two hours. Astonishingly, he said, police congratulated him on what he had done. ‘They are men and know what honour is,’ he said.

Rand, who was studying English at Basra University, was deemed to have brought shame on her family after becoming infatuated with a British soldier, 22, known only as Paul.

She died a virgin, according to her closest friend Zeinab. Indeed, her ‘relationship’ with Paul, which began when she worked as a volunteer helping displaced families and he was distributing water, appears to have consisted of snatched conversations over less than four months. But the young, impressionable Rand fell in love with him, confiding her feelings and daydreams to Zeinab, 19.

It was her first youthful infatuation and it would be her last. She died on 16 March after her father discovered she had been seen in public talking to Paul, considered to be the enemy, the invader and a Christian. Though her horrified mother, Leila Hussein, called Rand’s two brothers, Hassan, 23, and Haydar, 21, to restrain Abdel-Qader as he choked her with his foot on her throat, they joined in. Her shrouded corpse was then tossed into a makeshift grave without ceremony as her uncles spat on it in disgust.

‘Death was the least she deserved,’ said Abdel-Qader. ‘I don’t regret it. I had the support of all my friends who are fathers, like me, and know what she did was unacceptable to any Muslim that honours his religion,’ he said.

Oh hello. I’m 22 years old. Doot doot~

After lashing out, crying a few more days, I woke up the other morning completely rejuvenated. I got a little crazy, and it was totally justified. It’s what I needed. Emotions should be expressed not caged in.

Being upset about this is like being upset over getting broken up with by a chunk of moldy bread.

Life is too short to be limited by limitations I set to myself. I can’t live my life and share myself with people the way I am. I’m better than that, and better than some white trash loser workin at an office supply store.

Will be going out this weekend to the SattleRack with Nicole. Drinks, men, and classic rock music to dance to all night.

My work is hosting SuzukiFest tomorrow and I will be photographing the event. Not that really anything will be post worthy… it is after all.. fucking SuzukiFest. Will be nice to do something else other than be stuck in this office all day!

Nichole and I talked things out today. Good to have my friend back =)

This song just puts me in such a good mood.

25 days left of being that wonderful age of 21.

I need a change.

I want it over and done with. I do. I’m tired, boss. Tired of bein’ on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I’m tired of never having me a buddy to be with, to tell me where we’s going to, or coming from, or why. Mostly I’m tired of people being ugly to each other. I’m tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world every day. There’s too much of it. It’s like pieces of glass in my head all the time.

-The Green Mile

Am I allowed to complain about this damn wig Tori Amos keeps wearing? It’s so terrible.

She’s lucky she’s so amazing live … and so talented in every way *_* God damn I want to see her live again.

Adam says:
do you not think you deserve someone better than that who’ll lose it at one thing and lash out at you for it?
HedoDedo says:
maybe i do 😦
Adam says:
nobody does, thats being stupid
HedoDedo says:
then who do peopls like him end up with if they cannot change?
Adam says:
nobody, or a doormat
Adam says:
so dont be a doormat
HedoDedo says:

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