
It’s been forever since I blogged here! The past few months have been such a whirlwind. Portrait bookings, wedding bookings… the year definitely kicked off to an amazing start!

Here are some shots I took of the beautiful and talented Blair Hansen. I have worked with her before and every time we come together it seems like I get some of my proudest shots. Working with entertainers is my absolute favorite as they are performing for you as you shoot them. You are capturing their music. Their style. Their soul in the photograph.
Many thanks to Blair’s girlfriend, Tara for assisting with lighting in this shoot. You helped make such amazing images!

Taken at her parent’s home in Castro Valley, California.

Be sure to check out her music via myspace at

Thank you so much Blair for giving me the oppurtunity to capture you in pictures.

Happy Anniversary to Nichole and Chris Middlemass! And my deepest congratulations to them expecting a beautiful baby boy!


Well on Thursday I went to go pick up all my prints from Self Clothing in SF. Not going to lie… it made me feel kind of sad taking it all down knowing my exhibition was over. I am still so honoured to have been featured this month. Scott was a great host and I hope he continues on doing what he does for all these great local artists!

I’m going through concepts in my head for an entry in DeviantART’s PinkiTUDE contest. I’ve always wanted to make a photographic piece for a cause and I think this would be a good drive to do so.

It’s now 2am… Perhaps I should get some sleep 😉

I asked my good friend Anna to model for me yesterday and I think the results were quite nice! She really is great with her face and I hope she feels as lovely as I think she looks in these photographs. I absolutely love her eyes.

Experimenting with digital enhancements a bit more. Usually I like to keep my photos not so edited… but I think it fits this piece nicely. Different from what I normally do but I’m quite happy with the results.

She was so incredibly nervous but didn’t have a reason to be. I hope to work with her again in the future =)

Here is a close-up shot of the lovely lady ~

I think it’s rare to find a model who’s eyes really stand out in a photograph – but for Anna it comes so naturally. I am in love with 95% of the photos I took of her!

More to come soon! Am off to get ready for my art reception at Self Clothing in San Francisco tonight! 6-9pm! Be there! ~

Another shot of Stacey from our shoot the other day. MUA was S&M Artistry.

I have had a huge urge to do more artistic and creative shoots lately. For awhile I have been mastering pin-up and boudoir photography for my personal time… but I am in need of something new. Looking for new faces to capture and collaborate with.

Also I am pursuing my family and fine art photography a bit more. It’s hard to balance what to take photos of when you have a love of so many genres =)

I’ve been in a bit of an artistic rut lately.  I woke up recently though to realize that I need to get back into the game of creating.

I recently did a fun shoot of my ex-coworker Amy. She is a wonderful friend and an amazing person and I am happy I was able to make her smile with some of these photos we took in our session. I have to say shooting with her was one of the funnest photo sessions I have had in a long time. Bouncy and full of fun, she brought such life to her photographs =)

Behold the wall of Amy. I just told her to hop around and pose and we came up with some absolutely adorable shots. She’s one in a million.

I also had a shoot with the beautiful Stacey. Two very different looks for her shoot. I do think that one of my absolute favorite photographs I have ever taken came out of this shoot.

This piece along with many others of mine is being featured at Self Clothing in San Francisco.  Be sure to check out the Reception this Saturday the 25th! Scott has such amazing and unique designs featured at his store – I am very honored he would want my work displayed in his store. Make sure to check him out on Bush Street!

Been workin workin workin. Here is a recent shot of Madison for the Tracy Motorsports Pin-up Contest.

I have two more girls most likely to shoot for the competition then it’s all editing and setting up the painful details of the show and voting system. The official contest is on September 27th at Tracy Motorsports’ Kawasaki Extravaganza. I will be having my own booth there to promote my work at the show as well as shooting that day.

Shooting in that showroom has been one of the most difficult lighting situations. That blaring light from behind totally overcasting the model. I think eventually I got it down the the results were quite nice : but before that I was having issues. I still got lucky shots, including this one of Lizz (the first model to come in!)

And now we go from hot chicks to a beautiful mother and her baby ~

Jennifer and her son were such a joy to work with. Although we worked her son so much that he went strait to sleep after the shoot. He was a total sweetheart to photograph.

Until next time~

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of shooting promotional photos for upcoming singer Ryan K. Make sure to check out his myspace page (that I also designed!) at

This turned out to be my favourite photo from the shoot. Captured so much depth and detail in his face along with the moody lighting. He was amazing to work with – followed every direction and put his own input in so that he got exactly what he wanted.

Today I have a shoot with a woman named Jennifer and her son.  Right now I’m just taking a few minute break from cleaning up the studio a bit and setting up the set I have in mind for the first set of shots. I have missed doing children/family fine art photography so I’m pretty happy to be doing it again =)

I have two art shows coming up this month : A booth at the TMS Kawasaki Expo going on in Tracy…. as well as a showing at the Self Clothing Boutique in San Francisco. I just purchased about 30 prints for both shows… and I still feel I am a bit short.

Until next time~

Taken of Marlena a month or so ago. It’s been so long since i posted here!

Many changes in my life have happened in the past month.. allowing me to pursue my photography full time. I am finally taking the plunge into making a business for myself in doing something that I love and am truly passionate about. I have the skills I just need to get my name out there a bit more and I think that the future could look quite bright for me =)

I am really looking into doing more of my creative, conceptual work. It’s something that I absolutely love doing but with client work… I never quite have the chance to put it together. Hopefully this week I will have time to do such things.

Look for my updates coming soon. I told myself I will use this thing more often!

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