Happy Anniversary to Nichole and Chris Middlemass! And my deepest congratulations to them expecting a beautiful baby boy!


Self Portrait. Added grunge textures. Turned black and white. Dootee doot.

I went to do my daily check of Digital Camera Magazine Online and I found my older piece, Adversion on the main page!  I know it’s not a publication or anything… but it’s nice for anyone to recognize me.  I just wish it was one of my newer images!

I end up taking the fact that my work isn’t popular on a place like DeviantART as that my work isn’t good. It’s been really killing my confidence lately. I see my work.. am proud.. post around and it feels like no one takes notice. It might be due to the fact I don’t post until 1am 😛

Client shoot tonight for a go go dancer. I’m excited!

I got out of work today just in time to snap these. The skies have been beautiful the last few days after the morning rain settles.

I’m working on ways to promote my photography locally in hopes of getting jobs here and there. This is what I want to do for a living… so why not start now? I may not have the fanciest studio equipment… but I need to make it happen in order to afford that nice stuff. My problem is my confidence. I look at other people’s work and compare…. instead of being confident in my own style and own abilities and trying to rise above that.

Here is hoping for more photos this weekend!