Client shoot – Virginia

She was SO very nervous. She’s a dancer – not a model… so she wasn’t used to being in front of the camera. We only took about 80 shots before she was tired and felt like she got the shots.. and I think we did in fact get them =)

This so far has been my favorite ~

So I don’t have a perfectly symmetrical face.
So sue me! =)
I have so many choices with lighting now. So much to experiment with. Truly the best money I have spent in a long time. 2 Soft boxes, back lighting, and 1 reflector.

It’s not the best… but I’m proud.

Model : Brittany
Taken in Castro Valley, CA. After we got yelled at by the owners 😉 They then softened up and let us go about our business. I think when they saw the giant camera in my hand they figured we weren’t gonna break anything.