I got together with my photographer friend Krystal originally to have her model for me…. but then she wanted to play with my camera and roles got reversed! Not gonna lie.. she actually ended up taking more pictures of me @_@

Definitely was a lot of fun. I enjoyed being on the other side of the camera…. even though it was uncomfortable at first!

My fav shots from her photos :

And now here are my favorite shots I took of her! =)

I need to get back out shooting this weekend. I took this whole weekend off doing much of anything due to tweaking out my neck last Friday in my sleep. Haven’t been able to fully move my neck for three days. But today it’s finally loosened up and I am ready to start shooting again! I got this awesome lens.. I gotta use it =)

I thought all my work had been lost when my hard drive crashed. Luckily today I found my shoot with Treja from a few months ago and got inspired to play.

I’m shooting again this weekend :3 I’m allll excited!