February 13th, 2008.

I took these photos for my guy for Valentine’s day ❤ I hope he likes it.  All different Heathers =]

It was refreshing to play with my lighting again. Be creative… make pretty things 🙂
It’s refreshing to know that this year I’m in love with a guy that truly wishes he could make me the happiest girl on Valentine’s day. I wish I could be with him on it =[

sad panda.

I think I need to get glasses for my computer. My head has been pounding every night for three days now.  My insurence should be going through in the next week or so. Will be nice to be able to finally go and get checkups, medication, etc without worrying about the cost (quite so much).

WoW is becoming way too stressful. I get too attached to my friends just for them to ditch out.  I’m a silly girl.

Ramble Ramble. So Tired.