1. Are you single or taken?
Taken =)

2. Chocolate or flowers?
Flowers. I can take picatures of them and they don’t make the booty big.

3. Will you do anything special for Valentines Day?
Sadly we can’t =[

4. Do you like anyone?
Wait.. wut?

5. Were you dating anyone last Valentines?

6. What would be your dream Valentines date?
Many cuddles. Nakeds.

7. Do you make a big deal about Valentines?
I love it, but it’s not HUGE.

8. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
I don’t believe so? Clearly if I knew they wouldn’t be good at being secret.

9. Would you ever write someone a love letter?
I write love letters all the time.

10. Do you believe in Cupid?

11. Do your parents give you presents on Valentine’s?
My momma gives me a chocolate heart.

12. Do you still send out Valentine’s cards?

13. Do you like candy hearts?

14. What is something you got last Valentine’s?
White lillies.

15. Is Valentine’s depressing?
Nope. Eh, of course a little bit if you are single… but not really.

16. How do you feel about PDA?
I don’t want to see you tounge each other, thanks.

17. How is your love life?
I’m quite happy.  Certain things could improve…

18. Have you ever been dumped on Valentines?

19. How many roses would you want?

20. Will you have a boyfriend/girlfriend next Valentines?
I sure hope so 🙂