I finally got in my new lights tonight. 2 softboxes, 1 barn doors, 1 beauty dish =) I didn’t do much but set everything up tonight… but I took this cute little snapshot of Snack ❤ You can’t see his eyes but I swear he has them!

Smooshy (Muppet) is a 3lb Himalayan cat. She’s an old woman. Half the time walks around the house lost and will claim a whole dog pillow for herself. She loves to be held like a baby. She drools. Can anyone guess why I call her Smooshy?

Ben is a 15lb lump of love. You can pick him up by his back feet and dangle him there and he will be perfectly content. His favorite toy is a huge mop head. He eats up belly rubs for breakfast.


Also, the security systems at the local antique shops in Jackson, CA are full proof and not to be fuddled with.

And last.. but not least….. Lacey doing her world famous Tori Amos impersonation. Lost… alone… and artistic.. in a box.