Another shot of Stacey from our shoot the other day. MUA was S&M Artistry.

I have had a huge urge to do more artistic and creative shoots lately. For awhile I have been mastering pin-up and boudoir photography for my personal time… but I am in need of something new. Looking for new faces to capture and collaborate with.

Also I am pursuing my family and fine art photography a bit more. It’s hard to balance what to take photos of when you have a love of so many genres =)

Been workin workin workin. Here is a recent shot of Madison for the Tracy Motorsports Pin-up Contest.

I have two more girls most likely to shoot for the competition then it’s all editing and setting up the painful details of the show and voting system. The official contest is on September 27th at Tracy Motorsports’ Kawasaki Extravaganza. I will be having my own booth there to promote my work at the show as well as shooting that day.

Shooting in that showroom has been one of the most difficult lighting situations. That blaring light from behind totally overcasting the model. I think eventually I got it down the the results were quite nice : but before that I was having issues. I still got lucky shots, including this one of Lizz (the first model to come in!)

And now we go from hot chicks to a beautiful mother and her baby ~

Jennifer and her son were such a joy to work with. Although we worked her son so much that he went strait to sleep after the shoot. He was a total sweetheart to photograph.

Until next time~