Been so long since I had an update. Been busy busy busy with photoshoot after photoshoot!~

First off I went up to the Jackson Rancheria last week. Since California has been having so many fires.. it made for a perfect shot with the added smoke.

Ione, California

And I also met this kitty outside my grandmother’s home in Ione.
This here kitty… lives by no one else’s rules.. but his own. 😉 He just laid there and posed for me on the no parking space. What a little ham =)

A few days ago I did a model call in Tracy via myspace because I had this horrible urge to shoot. I got a response from Brooke and Dawn and showed up at Brooke’s old Victorian apartment to set up. The feel of the house gave a nice background for the photos. I think they turned out rather nicely.

Some candids from shooting Brooke…

And here is my favorite from her set :

And my favorite of Dawn ❤

Dawn had never modeled before and was a personal friend of mine. She was so nervous – but I love this shot of her.  For lighting I brought over 3 of my lights : 2 soft boxes and my barn yard doors.

Last night I had a client shoot with Lizz. I gotta say she is by far one of my favorite models I have ever worked with. Her photos are definitely some of my proudest work =) All shot in my home studio!

Jewelery is by Dragon Designs.

For a more complete collection of my most recent photography – make sure to keep up with my Flickr page!