I asked my good friend Anna to model for me yesterday and I think the results were quite nice! She really is great with her face and I hope she feels as lovely as I think she looks in these photographs. I absolutely love her eyes.

Experimenting with digital enhancements a bit more. Usually I like to keep my photos not so edited… but I think it fits this piece nicely. Different from what I normally do but I’m quite happy with the results.

She was so incredibly nervous but didn’t have a reason to be. I hope to work with her again in the future =)

Here is a close-up shot of the lovely lady ~

I think it’s rare to find a model who’s eyes really stand out in a photograph – but for Anna it comes so naturally. I am in love with 95% of the photos I took of her!

More to come soon! Am off to get ready for my art reception at Self Clothing in San Francisco tonight! 6-9pm! Be there! ~

I’ve been in a bit of an artistic rut lately.  I woke up recently though to realize that I need to get back into the game of creating.

I recently did a fun shoot of my ex-coworker Amy. She is a wonderful friend and an amazing person and I am happy I was able to make her smile with some of these photos we took in our session. I have to say shooting with her was one of the funnest photo sessions I have had in a long time. Bouncy and full of fun, she brought such life to her photographs =)

Behold the wall of Amy. I just told her to hop around and pose and we came up with some absolutely adorable shots. She’s one in a million.

I also had a shoot with the beautiful Stacey. Two very different looks for her shoot. I do think that one of my absolute favorite photographs I have ever taken came out of this shoot.

This piece along with many others of mine is being featured at Self Clothing in San Francisco.  Be sure to check out the Reception this Saturday the 25th! Scott has such amazing and unique designs featured at his store – I am very honored he would want my work displayed in his store. Make sure to check him out on Bush Street!

Been so long since I had an update. Been busy busy busy with photoshoot after photoshoot!~

First off I went up to the Jackson Rancheria last week. Since California has been having so many fires.. it made for a perfect shot with the added smoke.

Ione, California

And I also met this kitty outside my grandmother’s home in Ione.

This here kitty… lives by no one else’s rules.. but his own. 😉 He just laid there and posed for me on the no parking space. What a little ham =)

A few days ago I did a model call in Tracy via myspace because I had this horrible urge to shoot. I got a response from Brooke and Dawn and showed up at Brooke’s old Victorian apartment to set up. The feel of the house gave a nice background for the photos. I think they turned out rather nicely.

Some candids from shooting Brooke…

And here is my favorite from her set :

And my favorite of Dawn ❤

Dawn had never modeled before and was a personal friend of mine. She was so nervous – but I love this shot of her.  For lighting I brought over 3 of my lights : 2 soft boxes and my barn yard doors.

Last night I had a client shoot with Lizz. I gotta say she is by far one of my favorite models I have ever worked with. Her photos are definitely some of my proudest work =) All shot in my home studio!

Jewelery is by Dragon Designs.

For a more complete collection of my most recent photography – make sure to keep up with my Flickr page!

I met up with Leah the other day – a beginning model. Her only other photographer had been my friend here in Tracy so she was quite nervous…. but I think I captured some beautiful studio shots of her once she loosened up.

Not gonna lie – putting the rhinestones on was very time consuming.   Thank goodness Krystal was there to help me out a bit =) She did Leah’s make up and hair. She gave me exactly what I was looking for.

More to come soon – So many beautiful shots from this shoot.

Client shoot – Virginia

She was SO very nervous. She’s a dancer – not a model… so she wasn’t used to being in front of the camera. We only took about 80 shots before she was tired and felt like she got the shots.. and I think we did in fact get them =)

This so far has been my favorite ~

I got together with my photographer friend Krystal originally to have her model for me…. but then she wanted to play with my camera and roles got reversed! Not gonna lie.. she actually ended up taking more pictures of me @_@

Definitely was a lot of fun. I enjoyed being on the other side of the camera…. even though it was uncomfortable at first!

My fav shots from her photos :

And now here are my favorite shots I took of her! =)

I need to get back out shooting this weekend. I took this whole weekend off doing much of anything due to tweaking out my neck last Friday in my sleep. Haven’t been able to fully move my neck for three days. But today it’s finally loosened up and I am ready to start shooting again! I got this awesome lens.. I gotta use it =)