I wanna love
I want a fire
To feel the burn
My desires
I wanna man by my side
Not a boy who runs and hides
Are you gonna fight for me?
Die for me?
Live and breathe for me?
Do you care for me?
‘Cause if you don’t then just leave

Adam says:
do you not think you deserve someone better than that who’ll lose it at one thing and lash out at you for it?
HedoDedo says:
maybe i do 😦
Adam says:
nobody does, thats being stupid
HedoDedo says:
then who do peopls like him end up with if they cannot change?
Adam says:
nobody, or a doormat
Adam says:
so dont be a doormat
HedoDedo says:

Alex tells me today “I don’t know what I want”.

Back up to 3 days ago he was telling me how much he loved me. This is the guy that not only tells me he loves me.. but tells me everyday not only that he loves me.. but what about me he loves.  This man adored me and I felt it.

But after two days ago when he flipped out over a stupid videogame… says nothing to me until today when I called him.  He tells me he meant it when he said he loved me… but he doesn’t know what he needs or who he is right now.

I don’t know what this all means. He didn’t say he wanted to end it.. he just needed some space.
I don’t know what to do with myself but cry.