After lashing out, crying a few more days, I woke up the other morning completely rejuvenated. I got a little crazy, and it was totally justified. It’s what I needed. Emotions should be expressed not caged in.

Being upset about this is like being upset over getting broken up with by a chunk of moldy bread.

Life is too short to be limited by limitations I set to myself. I can’t live my life and share myself with people the way I am. I’m better than that, and better than some white trash loser workin at an office supply store.

Will be going out this weekend to the SattleRack with Nicole. Drinks, men, and classic rock music to dance to all night.

My work is hosting SuzukiFest tomorrow and I will be photographing the event. Not that really anything will be post worthy… it is after all.. fucking SuzukiFest. Will be nice to do something else other than be stuck in this office all day!

Nichole and I talked things out today. Good to have my friend back =)

This song just puts me in such a good mood.


Click this one for larger image!

Why is it that so many men are anal about photos being taken of them. Does it decrease their masculinity? Someone enlighten me on this. Men just can’t smile for a photo. In fact, they can’t just go with it.

But I guess us women have hissy fits to. “I don’t want to look fat!”

I wish it wasn’t so hard to get a portrait out of people!